Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Week Two - Digital Cameras

Digital cameras have many good and bad things about them.
Some of the pluses are...
You can view the pictures you have taken immediately.
You can delete any photos you don't like, either immediately or later on.
Digital cameras can store more photos, up to there 100's, compared to film cameras that can only hold about 30.
Digital photos can be uploaded onto a computer and can be edited and all stored in the same place.
Can be viewed easily.

Some of the minuses are...
Need to upgrade technology often
Can only view photos if they can be uploaded onto computer and has compatible programme.
If computer breaks you can lose all photos
To get full benefits from digital camera can cost a lot of money for all the technology.

Digital photos are great for sharing with others and being able to edit them. They can be stored on websites such as Flickr or Photobucket. Flickr is a photo and video storage website, where users are able to create accounts and upload and share photos and videos with others. Photobucket is very similar and provides the same services. There are also sites such as Picnik and systems like Photoshop, where you can upload photos and edit and manipulate photos to change and enhance the picture.

With doing this ethical issues can arise, such as getting permission from the person or people in the photo, to take the photo and upload it onto a site such as website. With using sources like this you run the risk of having your photo used by others without your knowledge.
Digital photos are being used to document areas for housing modifications, e.g. bathrooms and ramps. They are also being used to document clients progress, e.g. taking a photo at the first session and after a few weeks to see how much the client has improved.

I never knew the difference between optical and digital zoom until the course, but now I know...
Optical zoom, is what I originally think of as zoom, it brings or brings a photo closer, generally keeping photo quality. Where as digital zoom essentially crops a part of a photo and enlarges this which causes the photo to lose its quality.

A megapixel is 1 million pixels. Megapixels describes the resolution of a camera, the higher the pixel number the clearer the picture. A pixel is each individual 2D square of a picture, so the more of them there are the clearer edges of pictures will be and the easier to edit and zoom into photos.

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